We are from your world

BML Work is not a recruitment consultancy. We are not recruiters. We are you.

Our unique service combines the real-world experience, hard-won insight and extensive contacts of the CIOs, CTOs, programme and development leads, enterprise architects, IT directors and other senior technology figureheads that we have on our books.

We understand what your business requires and the skills it needs, because we have been in your position many times. We have led and built technology teams that have delivered successful digital transformation. We are able to match the appropriate candidate to your organisation, not just in terms of qualifications, but their skill in delivering digital change and their fit with your culture. We cut through keywords, buzzwords and convoluted job titles to help candidates find the right opportunities for them.

Meet some of the crew below, with their extensive experience across technical strategy and delivery, they are the team who help us shape the right roles and place the right people.

BML Work is part of BML Global, founded in 2017 when Digital Director of the Royal Mail, Ben Johnson, met the CTO of the Post Office, Jaco Vermeulen and realised their collaboration could deliver digital business excellence beyond these two organisations.

BML Global spans the lifecycle of value creation and includes:

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Digital Business Strategy & Delivery

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M&A Excellence

Combined together, BML Global delivers a complete digital business capability to organisations throughout the UK. We minimise risk, cost, effort and disruption to ensure maximum return on investment and positive change in your business.

Meet The Crew

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Desmond Hewitt, Digital Transformation Program and Innovation Leader